Hiking bags for every adventure. Snowleader gives you access to the best sports brands, with duffel bags designed to withstand the most extreme conditions.
Our high-end luggage lets you carry all of your necessary (and unnecessary!) items thanks to their generous sizes and practical designs. They also feature a range of smart accessories: side pockets for papers and keys, detachable handles and shoulder straps, mesh inside pockets, etc. Duffel bags are the perfect choice for anyone who wants a sturdy and durable travel bag. They are available in a variety of volumes to suit the duration of your excursion.
A reliable and classic option, duffel bags are available in a range of colours and designs. We also offer new, more comprehensive versions. There is a bag out there for everyone! Before you complete your order, check out our storage bags to compartmentalise and organise your duffel bag. Snowleader is with you every step of the way as you prepare for your trip into the mountains or elsewhere. Feel free to reach out to our infoline if you have any questions.